Powered By Authenticity!

I Want To Support Those Who Are Ready To Conquer Poor Mental Health With Zero Prescribed Medication Or Therapy, Instead Using My Fun 7-Step Self-Love System.

I'm Here To Serve YOU


"My purpose in life is to openly and honestly give others the support to recognise and appreciate their value so that they are inspired to adapt and passionately build a proud legacy."


“My vision is to authentically create a world of Freedom, Connection, Peace, Love and Abundance, where we all take responsibility to unleash the power and potential within us, so that we, as leaders, can live an unstoppable life of growth, and transformation.” 



Fran Book - Abandonment to Acceptance

My entrance into this world was far from a fairytale – in fact – just a few hours into this thing called “life”, my place on earth was under heavy consideration. As my future tipped in the balance of strangers, the authorities made a decision to remove me from my family, that one day I’d get to finally meet.

For decades, I asked questions that no adopted child should ever have to ask (but, mostly, always will):

“Why did they abandon me?”
“Did they not want me?”
“Am I simply too hard to love?”

Unwanted, abandoned and rejected, I didn’t know my destiny, that was until my “parents” decided that my life was to be raised by them. As I navigated what it meant to be truly accepted, in a rejection cycle not meant for me, I discovered through my own experiences of parenthood and persistence, that second chances are for the taking, when people need them the most.

This deeply provocative, uplifting and beautifully raw memoir, “Abandonment to Acceptance: A Hero's Journey to Self-Love”, explores how self-love and acceptance begins from within your heart and mind.

As I write this, I still find it hard to believe that I have been signed up as a debut author with one of Australia’s independent publishing houses, Women’s Biz Publishing.

My mission is to support people with life transformation. I am an advocate for supporting mental health, rejection, abandonment, personal growth and development. I want this book to inspire so many people and give them hope that they can live their best life.

It is an absolute pleasure and privilage to be working with one of the best in the book publishing space. I am eternally grateful for the CEO, Annie Gibbins and her incredible team.

Here is what Annie had to say:

"Now we are in the exciting process of bringing his debut memoir to life through our publishing house. Not only is Fran our first signed solo author with Women’s Biz Global, but he is also our first male author too!

As a career CEO who has always supported women in business, it may seem against the brand to be championing men… but really, it’s got nothing to do with gender, because it is our role to support all those who want to make a difference in the world. When I first read Fran’s book proposal, I was instantly enamoured by his raw honesty and desire to share his life with the world."

Womens Biz Global Magazine June 2024
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Fran Wilson

I'm a signed author, pro-public speaker, test engineer, authentic entrepreneur, professional property investor, and loving leader. At the core of my ethos, stands a free spirit and a transformational mindset.

Born in England and raised in Ireland, I was pulled back to the UK in my early 20s, to pursue my career and passion in motorsport.

With an MSc Degree in Automotive and Motorsport Engineering (MSc), I built over two decades of experience as a high-performance test and development engineer, specialising in powertrain systems, chassis systems, and simulators in both the automotive and aerospace industries.

I feel very proud to have worked on the Mercedes AMG ONE ‘hypercar’, which has the Formula One hybrid powertrain.

As a debut author, I'm passionate about bringing my book to life. My mission is to support people with life transformation. I'm an advocate for supporting mental health, personal growth & development. I'm also a mental health first aider.

I have two teenage daughters, three adopted siblings, and three biological siblings.

You will spot me at motorcycle track days, attending Formula One and Superbikes racing events, socialising with friends and family. I want to surround myself with the people I want to become, so I'm passionate about attending personal development and business networking events all around the world with like-minded people.


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When I say I’m powerful, I refer to having the right mindset, and having the desire and determination to keep going, to keep pushing forward no matter what comes my way. I have more resilience than I ever thought I had.

I’m also relentless in pursuing my dreams. Nothing will ever stop me from reaching my goals and aspirations. I have the power to succeed and inspire others to reach their goals and vision.

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There is nothing more important than being authentic, and your true self. Everyone else is taken, so it’s important to be yourself, and that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m being my pure self. I’m not trying to be something or someone that I’m not.

Authenticity is key to living a successful and honest life. There is no need to fake it, put on different personalities in order to fit into society. I don't know any other way of being. I am being me.

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Where do I begin with this…Love is in my DNA. All I have is love in my body…love for myself and love for others. I do not know any other way of being except for love. I love everyone with all my heart and I will never stop loving. I love my children. I love my family and friends, and I hope and pray for a world of love and peace.

I am a leader, a master of influence, with a passion for having a positive impact, empowering millions of people's lives.


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Taking the first step in personal growth is the most important step. I am on a journey of self-discover uncovering and confronting all of the problems that I have faced. I now have clarity on where I want to be and who I want to be in life. I'm setting the foundations for my new happy life. Investing in myself is the biggest investment I can make and I'm doing this with proven strategies...lifelong blueprints to live my best life…a happy, joyful & fulfilled life.

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For me, personal freedom is one of my top core values following authenticity and I believe it is how we all should live our lives. Freedom means something different for everyone but for me, it’s all about living my life on my terms. It includes a range of aspects of my life such as being in complete control of my own destiny, financial freedom, time freedom, geographical freedom and more. This is what gives me personal freedom, so that I can live the 'Ultimate Lifestyle'.​

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Standing for life transformation involves going from one state (normally negative) to another (positive) and that is something I truly believe in. This can be in the form of many things, such as a mindset shift, a career change, a complete lifestyle change, how you are in relationships and around family and friends. The most important thing is wanting and committing to the transformation. If we’re static and not growing, then there is no chance of gaining the transformation we dream of. So for me, transformation means everything if we want to strive to be the highest and best version of ourselves.

Overcome Feeling Rejected & Unworthy

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Does This Sound Like You?

  • Do you feel will be trapped in their unfulfilling career for the rest of your life?
  • ​Do you feel will never be able to provide for your family the way you want to?
  • ​Do you feel will never have the money or time to focus on your passions and interests?
  • ​Do you feel will go through life just surviving, and not thriving?
  • Does it seem have no support or someone to talk to?
  • Are you frustrated that...No one sees your true worth or believes in you?...Well I do...I believe in YOU.
  • And when it comes down to it, do you...feel like giving up on life and think...what's the point of all this?

WELL, imagine if you never had to live like this and you could design the exact life you dream of!

Want Personal Growth, Freedom, &  TRansformation?

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Transform Your Life NOW!

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  • ​VIP Pass to my book launch
  • VIP Pass to my academy launch
  • A coffee and chat with Fran
  • Blueprint to live your best life (Fran's V-Model)
  • ​Proven strategies to earn multiple streams of income (build your temple of wealth)
  • First access to upcoming life-changing events
  • ​Latest technology to build an automated selling system
  • ​And So Much More...